Sunday, October 18, 2009

It Really is a New Season

On the first day of Fall, I posted a simple picture with just a few words on it....meaningful, to me but I had no idea how powerfully prophetic they were.
I can't even begin to tell you all that Holy Spirit is sovereignly orchestrating in and for me since that post...but WOW!
We tend to think of long hard winters as a time of barrenness...but summers have the potential to be long, hot, dry and tiring as well. It would seem many seasons have come and gone in my life with an unwavering knowledge of God's workings in my life...I can see the fruit, but it has been for the most part unseen and unfelt. 
I have so longed for the times when I could see and feel be overwhelmed by His presence and His workings in my life personally.
Through pain, I was drawn to a place of desperation and it was in that place that Holy Spirit began to woo me into a place of intimacy with my groom Jesus.

I was thrilled to just get to know my Jesus on such an incredible level....but I had no idea of all that would flow from that desire, pursuit and place of intimacy. 
He has brought me much needed rest, (in Him), He is continuing to show me the Harvest of good fruit in and around me, He is releasing me from some very old chains that have bound my heart more tightly than I could have ever imagined...and He is birthing a fresh anticipation in me...Hope is rising, and I so needed my hope restored.

It would seem that suddenly He is answering all of my heart's cries tangibly in front of my very eyes...and it is all so undeniably, sovereignly  Him. Not all that He is doing is "comfortable" but knowing He is the orchestrator and that it is for freedom and for my greater good, makes it sooo OK. 
Oh! to know His presence surrounding, filling, healing, restoring and simply overwhelming me. There is such peace in this place of Knowing Him.
What a Faithful, Faithful God we serve.


Shaun and Holly said...

I rejoice with you my Friend!!!


Shaun and Holly said...

ps. AND...i want to hear more!!! :) I will phone you soon...

Amy said...

He is so faithful.
So very glad you are able to see it.
Bless you.