Thursday, July 2, 2009

Canada Day Creations

We had a lovely Canada Day Pool Party Celebration with friends, (after having prayed diligently for the weather forecasters and naysayers to be wrong...which they were).

It was a terrific day, filled with fun, some old friends and some I met for the first time. 
The food was terrific and my baby girl swam unassisted by floaties for the first time...even in the deep end!!! This may not seem like a big deal, but TRUST ME! We bribed her and everyone around her with money last year to try and get her swimming...I was pretty sure she could do it, but she did not have the confidence to go without the flotation devices.
I am so proud of her, she just decided to give it a try...but isn't quite sure why she can only swim with her face in the water, and sinks when she tries to keep her face out. Swimming lessons will be so much fun now!

I found these little critters on Canadian Living's web site, and just HAD to make them for our celebration. They were labor intensive, but so cute and well worth the effort. 
I also made Butterscotch fudge with maple leaf confetti...not as creamy as the last time I made it, I think I cooked it a bit too long, (I was worried about it holding up in the heat).

Our eve. ended with Fire works, of which Holly has some terrific pictures displayed that she took.
I do love celebrating our nation.
Happy Canada Day All!


Shaun and Holly said...

Oh my word Jenny!!! These are just the cutest ever!!!! Great job and I am so glad that you took the pictures!!


Amy said...

Well done Jianna!!
You will have so much fun this summer!!
Who CAN'T remember a summer of 'leisure' swimming??? Just diving and ducking and handstands and ring catching?? ohhhhh...the fun!

Happy belated Canada Day! I am in love with my country!!